Thursday, October 21, 2010

This BluBox Holds the Key to Winston Co Recycling

A recent agreement with a Columbus Recycling firm is the first step in a recycling effort in Louisville and Winston County. Residents are encouraged to bring their recyclables to the parking area of the Louisville Coliseum. Acceptable items include cardboard, paper, plastic bottles and containers, aluminum cans and steel and glass items as well. Garbage and household trash are not accepted. The use of the BluBox container makes for easy and convenient disposal. Instructions and acceptable materials are clearly marked on the front of the container and it is available 24/7.
Once full, the container is replaced and the material sorted at a facility in Columbus. The project has several advantages for the area. The cost is small to the community and some reimbursement from the value of the recyclables will be made to the city and county. With sufficient use, a recycling program can lead to less trash in the area and lower landfill costs. The following photo provides details of the BluBox requirements. (for a better image - click on the photo)