Wednesday, February 16, 2011

LFD Encourages Child Safety Seat Use

The Major Injury Risk Areas for Children ages 14 and under are:
1. Motor vehicle injury--motor vehicle occupant, pedestrian, bicyclist;
2. Fire and burns;
3. Drowning and near-drowning;
4. Poisonings and choking;
5. Unintentional firearm shootings; and
6. Falls.
The use of Child Safety Seats for children is essential to their safety and to survival in a collision. Child Safety Seats are also a part of your vehicle's safety system and can prevent serious injury when installed and utilized properly.
A small investment of $30 to $50 for a Child Safety Seat and you can save a child’s life and protect the most precious cargo that you will carry in your vehicle.
If you have questions about how to install your Child Safety Seat, PLEASE contact the Louisville Fire Department and we can assist you and help you understand how to properly install your Child Safety Seat.

Chief Terry Johnson
City of Louisville Fire Department
Cell 803-662-7654

Proper Home Addressing: A Safety Issue

Have you ever tried to find an address to meet with friends or attend a party or maybe you needed to drop off something important. What was the address? What’s the house number? I can’t see it …….Oh No, we passed it; now we've got to turn around……. Sound Familiar? Think of the mail carrier or the delivery driver trying to deliver a package to you…… You dial 911 for an emergency and the Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services, or Police Department are delayed because……… WE CAN’T FIND YOU! Addressing your home and business is essential to ensure when you need us -we can find you. It is recommended by the International Code Council’s Public Safety Code that an address can be seen from the street and is highly visible. It is recommended that the addressing numbers contrast with the background and are reflective. If you place the address near the street or on your mailbox, the numbers identifying your address should be on both sides of the sign or mailbox and a minimum of 4” (four inches) tall. This will allow for the address to be seen from at least 100 ft away. When your address can be seen from the street it allows for better service from everyone you rely on. ANY QUESTIONS CONTACT Chief Terry Johnson City of Louisville Fire Department Cell 803-662-7654 Email-